Relocation done on your terms.
Dash and Dwell provides relocation services to mixed income housing developers undergoing federally funded redevelopment projects. We ensure residents affected as a direct result of a redevelopment project are not permanently displaced and are treated fairly, consistently and equitably. We ensure compliance with all federal and state relocation policies and procedures.
Relocation Services

Comprehensive List of Available Services
Relocation Plan Development
Resident Education
Relocation advisory services
Relocation Mapping
Case Management
Onsite Moving Day Supervision
Provision of Requisite Notices and Reports
Coordination and Implementation of All Activities Related To Local, State, and Uniform Relocation Act (URA) Requirements
Post Relocation Assessment
A La Cart Services Available Upon Request
Proud to have partnered with...

Our Relocation Team will notify residents per URA requirements, calculate appropriate relocation benefits (URA and supplemental), assist with the housing search, and ensure that the relocation is successful. Furthermore, the relocation consulting staff will have prime responsibility for identifying household needs, conducting housing searches, assisting in the application process, and coordinating the physical moves to new housing for all affected households.
We take great pride in our commitment to excellence – to the clients we serve, the residents we assist, and the people we employ.
Every Last Detail...Covered.

We'll Handle Every Detail.
Founded by affordable housing professionals
Turn-key planning, service, and execution.
You develop affordable housing. We'll handle the relocation.